17 July 2010
Fundamentally Selfish
I believe that humanity is fundamentally selfish. Since we are all part of humanity we are to some extent more or less selfish and selfishness leads to sin. Many times we ask the wrong questions about many things including our faith in Jesus Christ due to our selfishness. We ask, how close can I get to sin without actually being in sin? Wrong question because that attitude and selfishness will lead us directly into sin. Perhaps the better question is how do I get closer to Jesus? In the song "Revelation Song" there is a line that says, "filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your name". If we are selfish can we be filled with that type of "awestruck wonder"? I don't think we can but I know we need to be. In Mark 10:45 Jesus says this:
[45] For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
(Mark 10:45 ESV)
That is how we avoid selfishness, be like Jesus. Be willing to serve more than you desire to be served. Servant hood is the cure for selfishness. Jesus also taught, if you want to be great be the least if you want to first be last. Want to avoid selfishness and the sin and trouble that always follows it? Be a servant to one another.
Yours in Christ's Amazing Love, Bob Best
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