I was thinking today about how we view ourselves. I personally believe that our identity as "Christians", should be in Jesus Christ. The truth is that many who you may talk to will say oh I am a Baptist, or a Methodist or a Catholic or a Protestant. What happened to "I AM A CHRISTIAN"? Jesus Christ died for my sins, a very painful and humiliating death. I (we as followers of Christ) murdered Him through our sin.
He accepted this cup as He called it in prayer to God the Father, this place in history because He loves us, all of us, even those who refuse to believe He ever lived. Yet people often ask what is your religious preference. I remember when I entered the Navy and went to boot camp. They asked me what religion I was. I said Christian, they said OK Protestant. There it was on my dog tag, faith in the savior of mankind reduced to the letters "PROT" on my dog tags.
I talk to people who say Oh well I am a Baptist or Methodist or Lutheran. I ask do you believe in Jesus Christ that He was the only Son of God, that He was murdered and died on a cross and rose again three days later and now intercedes at the right hand of God for those who confess with their mouths and believe in their hearts that He is Lord? They most often say "well yes of course". At this point I want to scream, "THEN WHY DO YOU NOT REFER TO YOURSELF AS A CHRISTIAN" If you have to have a label would it not be better to have that label represent your identity in Jesus Christ and not a man made institution?
Believe me I understand different religious groups believe different things, their theologies are different concerning certain things, but the fact that if you are drawn to God by the Holy Spirit and you receive the gift of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and understand that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father God but through Him, there can be no differing of opinion among Christian denominations that ultimately everything is about Jesus Christ, everything! Scripture says Jesus was before all things and in Him all things hold together. ALL THINGS nothing left out me you the car the house this planet, all things. Don't you think that the one being capable of saving the world and holding it all together deserves the honor and glory of having all those who claim to follow and worship Him claim their identity in Him by calling themselves "CHRISTIANS"? I do, my name is Robert Best and I am a Christian.
Thank you Bob for such insight into the "labels" we so readily identify with.
ReplyDeleteAs a Christian I am beginning to allow God to remove some of the labels I or others have attached to myself. As I submit to His chipping away at those areas of my life that I cling to as my identify, I'm beginning to see more of Him and less of me.
As a grateful believer in Jesus Christ it is now more important for me to be known as a Christian than a Baptist, just because that's where I am now attending church.
I pray each day will reveal to me the magnitude of His total sacrifice for those who believe in Him.
There is nothing we can do to deserve it or any way we can repay Him for the "gift" of salvation He so freely gave.
May we never take that for granted, but be humbled in the knowledge of His love for us and His willingness to die for us.
Blessings to you, Carole Johnson